Electronic things I've owned and wish I never got rid of #1

I started thinking about electronics I've owned and lost in the past, partly because of the good memories and partly because I want to pull them apart for a photography series  I'm planning.

So I put a list together. It's not really a wish-list, more a lament-list. Although if a kind individual wants to gift me something they see on this blog, please get it touch. 

Sony NW MS9 mp3 player

This was basically an MP3 player .... that didn't play MP3's. Bought just before I went backpacking to Australia with the intention of uploading all my  music to it. It had no internal memory and only used expensive Sony sticks. It could only play music in Sony's ATRAC format which I only found out about after I purchased it.

 The design was so cool though, really nice to hold, and that little blue screen looked awesome. I loved it! It never came to oz with me though, I bought a minidisc player for that.
